We’ve been welcoming members from across North Somerset and Avon at our clubroom near Clevedon every Tuesday evening for over 40 years. With associate groups and fellow clubs across the West Country, you can often find us at shows helping out, or attending with our club layouts and our members’ own creations.
‘About our model railway club’
We meet every Tuesday evening between 6.30 – 10pm at the Clevedon Craft Centre which is located in Moor Lane East, off Court Lane and Manmoor Lane to the east of the town. The Craft Centre is well signed with brown road signs and can be approached from the B3133 along Davis Lane past the Hand Stadium and into Manmoor Lane, or from the Tickenham Road and down Court Lane. The post code is BS21 6TD. There is free car parking space.
We have modelling evenings, talks, film shows, quizzes, demo’s and multi gauge demo tracks. An annual exhibition is held each Spring time. A modelling competition is also held annually, and bi-annually we hold a club ‘open day’. Several layouts in various gauges are also being constructed. We also on occasions attend other model railway exhibitions with either a club layout or a member’s own personal layout. The club is fortunate to have plenty of experienced modellers who are happy to teach others skills and useful tips in layout construction.
You are welcome to visit to help decide if the club is for you (not all modellers are club minded people). After a probationary period, if you think you would like to join us you will be offered a membership application form. Membership fees are as follows
Full £90 pa
Concession (retirement age upwards) £75
Members who wish to pay per session £15 + £3 per session
We regret that we cannot accept juniors under 18 years of age.
We look forward to maybe meeting you on a Tuesday evening.
For details about our upcoming Nailsea Exhibition on the 29th and 30th of March 2025, please see our events page.
Contact us